Tag: Prayer

Sunday Church Services

ALL ARE WELCOME 9:30AM Sundays In Person OR via




The Sunday service includes inspirational music, hymns, prayer, and the reading of a Lesson Sermon comprised of passages from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.



All children and young people (2 through 19 years of age) are lovingly welcomed in the Sunday School. Students are taught the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Sermon on the Mount. Students also learn how to apply the healing message found in the Christian Science weekly Bible Lesson to solve problems in their daily lives.



Infants and children not yet ready for Sunday School receive loving care in the Children’s Room during both the Sunday Service and the Wednesday Evening Meeting.



Wednesday testimony meetings begin with readings from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook on a topic of interest. During the second half of the hour-long meeting, those in attendance have the opportunity to tell how they have been helped and healed through their study, prayer, and application of Christian Science.

Address: 10180 North Hayden Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85258

Email: clerk@christiansciencescottsdale.com

Phone: 480-998-0769